Spending too much time on the endless household chores ?
Simple tweaks to the routine and you may be able to sit back and enjoy a hot cup of coffee…
1. Online Grocery Shopping
Online grocery shopping is D answer. Pre -plan the the shopping list while on your way to work or before your bedtime story.
2. Invest in Robotic Vacuum
Everthing seems to be automated. Consider having a robotic vacuum. Fine fine fine, they may not be as detailed as human but at least it helps to release your load.
3. Empty Your Washing Sink
Wash your dishesafter yourmeal. Leaving them for the next day does not make your job easier. It will only makes it smelly with the overnight stains that becomes harder to wash.
4. Fold your laundry
Piling up clean laundry is a bad idea.It will eventually draped over your sofa and bed.
5. Scrub That Toilet
Make use of your bathing time to wash the toilets. Soap that toilet bowl, brush it down. Wash the shower screen while taking your bath. Scrub the floor before you cloth yourself.
If above all fail, just call Home Clean Home
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